05 December 2014

Gilliam Family 25 Days of Christmas: Paper Chain Garland

Well, I told you that our Christmas activities would be simple, and simple they are.  We started out with paper chain holiday garland.  It is impossibly simple, wonderfully festive, and requires just the right amount of hand eye coordination to be slightly challenging for a 3 year old.

I will not insult your intelligence with a "tutorial".  It is the same paper chain that you learned to make in kindergarten, I just added the word garland because it's Christmas time.  I repeat, there is a heavy emphasis on "simple" around here.  We used old wrapping paper that I got from the dollar section at target a couple years ago.

As for Piper, she got a bit frustrated.  I find that I'm not always the most patient of teachers, and struggle to articulate simple tasks like fashioning a strip of paper into a loop.  There was turmoil at first, but hearing Piper shout, "Mom, I did it!", will never get old.  Gabe on the other hand loved this project, and I'm still finding tiny bits of paper that he shredded all over the house.

I know it's not the most impressive Christmas craft, but it's ours and we spent time together and I love looking at it each time I walk by the door way. 

Is it just me or is December flying by?

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