14 December 2014

Gilliam Family 25 Days of Christmas: The Third Sunday of Advent

Happy Advent; a time where we look forward to the coming of Christ as a baby--the Savior of the world--and the second coming of Christ when He will make all things new.

So far, we lit a candle to celebrate that Jesus would come to "be our Shepherd", and spent the first week of Advent reflecting on what a wonderful thing it is the way that God looks after those who are His.

During week two we remembered that the baby Jesus came with a very specific purpose, to bring forgiveness for our sins--that the Shepherd who cares for us also humbled Himself and became the
lamb who was slain.

Here we are, this third Sunday of Advent and we will focus on:  Waiting with Joy!  I would encourage you to follow the link to read what Mark D. Roberts has to say about this season, and the joy we have in particular.  I am learning and soaking in just as much as our wide-eyed 3 year old this season, and I find that by placing special emphasis on the Advent of Christ (I mean more than your typical reading of Luke 2 before your tear into your gifts on Christmas morning) it has truly brought Christ to the forefront of our holidays, and sent commercialization to the background. 

This week we read scriptures that speak to the joy we have in placing our hope in God.  It brings about joy within us, even during trials and while facing a sin-sick world, because we know that our hope is in a sure thing.  Praise the Lord!

Psalm 126:1-6

Zephaniah 3:14-20

Philippians 4:4-7

"Today we remember the joy of waiting, because we know how the story ends!"
      -Mark D. Roberts

1 comment:

  1. Love this encouragement. So glad you guys are having a sweet Advent season celebrating Christ.
