10 December 2014

Gilliam Family 25 Days of Christmas: Parade

If you've ever met me you know that I love a good parade, which is why I was disappointed that our small town Christmas parade fell on the weekend when the kids and I were supposed to be traveling.  I shared yesterday how our weekend plans fell through due to illness, and what a needed break it was during such a busy season.

One other redeeming factor of the weekend was that we got to continue the tradition of my dragging my husband to do something he particularly hates as I giggle like a school girl.  It was particularly important for me to be there for this year's Simpsonville Christmas Parade because, Lord willing, from here on out when we get to attend this event it will be as visitors to this town.  As I've mentioned in previous posts, we feel that God is doing great things in Greer, a city up the road, and we are praying that he would have us there by this time next year.

That being said, I soaked in every moment of this afternoon.  We got to watch our Alma mater's football team lead off the parade, fresh off a win in the state championship game this weekend.  The weather was perfect and windy--some may disagree, but I think you should always have to bundle up a little for a parade. Piper eventually succumbed to being cold, as is evidenced by her refusal to cooperate for a picture below, but was initially very enthusiastic, and Gabe was happy to point out everything he saw as long as he had a snack in hand.  And Zach was glad to comply once he had a bag of boiled peanuts (and was able to swipe some of the candies that local businesses were throwing out).

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