27 May 2012

a postcard

Wish you were here, from  sunny windy Garden City Beach, South Carolina!

23 May 2012

we need a vacation, ya'll

Would you believe that I have no less than three half-written blog posts about life as of late.  Each of which was left right in the middle in favor of distractions, needs of the little one, and just plain ole' life.

They were good.  Maybe they'll be finished at some point.  For now we are in desperate need of some away time.

Which is why it's a good thing that we currently have a beach vacation countdown of:  THREE DAYS!!!

The little one and I need to get out of this house.  And the mister not only needs a vacation, he double-deserves one.  Zach works harder than most, and expects little in return.  He faithfully gets up and goes to a full-time job five, sometimes six, days a week.  And then he comes home and faithfully looks after the needs of his family, does yardwork, fixes things that need fixin', and serves the church.  I'm so thankful for him, and glad for an opportunity for him to rest.

This was the scene at our house this morning.  Wouldn't you know that on the eve of Piper's six month well-child appointment, she wakes up all throughout the night complaining of the sniffles.

And although the check-up went great (more on that later), I've already been on the phone with the doc this afternoon--no less than four hours after leaving her office--due to a spiked fever.

I'm telling you what, the next three days are jam packed.  But there is a light at the end of the tunnel, in the form of a huge balcony by the sea.

16 May 2012

running playlist

I've been running a little bit.  Heavy emphasis on little bit.  More on that later.

I absolutely can NOT go running without my tunes.  You know my jams.  Motivation music.  Nothing kills any form of exercise quicker for me than to get going and have my ipod go dead.  That's the worst.

Not just any music makes the running playlist cut, though, and it is about time to revamp.

In trimming the fat off of my current playlist and searching for new songs I began thinking about my criteria for running songs.  And I've come to the realization that if I'm going to hit the pavement, the music I'm listening to must be associated with a memory of some sort in order to suffice.

Just a few examples:
  • Chris Brown's "Forever" is the song that Zach and I danced to at our wedding reception, and "The Way You Make Me Feel" by Michael Jackson takes me back to the weeks we spent taking dance lessons together, leading up to the big day.  It was so much fun and I will never forget that time in our lives.

  • "Good Life" by One Republic reminds me of my dad, and the way that he gets fixated on pop songs every so often and sings them ALL the time.  He's goofy and it makes me laugh.
  • This one is a tad embarrassing, but "Party in the USA" by Miley Cyrus reminds me of my days living in Brashier with some of my best gal pals.  No lie, we would dance around our apartments singing that song at the top of our lungs.  I miss those days so much sometimes.

  • "Your Love is Strong" by Jon Foreman puts me in mind of one of the most beautiful weddings I have ever attended; where I was reminded of the loving God that Zach and I committed to serve together.  The couple are dear friends of ours from college, and their wedding was truly a worship service.  Love it!
  • Throughout our relationship, people have reminded Zach and I of 'our' Ben Folds Five song-- "Zak and Sara".  It reminds me where we've come from and where we're heading.  And of course, how I get to fall in love with Zach every day, all over again.
What are some songs that you guys like to sweat to?  What is your exercise music criteria?  Any song recommendations from my faithful readers?

15 May 2012

fighting the germs

This little one has been fighting a cold for what seems like weeks now, but you wouldn't know it by the sweet disposition that she still exudes.  Poor thing has issues with those tear ducts getting blocked ...any other moms ever experience this?... and the congestion just makes it so much worse. 

What's awesome about today, though, is that there is just one thing on our agenda:  hang around the house and cuddle this cold away.

14 May 2012

rainy days and mondays...

...always drain my motivation.

Since we last spoke, we've traveled a little bit; and we've been sick a little bit; and we celebrated Mother's Day a little bit.

This happened.

I got these flowers from my beloved.  On my very first Mother's Day.

We all had to laugh when our pastor, who very rarely deviates from a sermon series on behalf of cultural holidays (you know...the one's "just created by the greeting card industry"), deviated from a sermon series to talk about mothers.  He taught from 1 Samuel, about Hannah who was faithful to God.  She was unable to conceive.  She prayed earnestly for a child.  The Lord gave her a child, and she gave him back to the Lord.

I was simultaneously validated as a mother- which spoke to the lack of surety I've found in my role as a "SAHM"- and gently called to repentence- which spoke to my constant need to receive validation from sources other than my Lord.  Bottom line:  mother's have potential to change the world.  But not in a fame and glory kind of way.  In a bringing up children who have seen a demonstration of what it is to lead quiet lives in which we are faithful to King Jesus kind of way.  My heart is full this morning. 

And my girl is 6 months old.  And she sits up.  Be still my soul.  Our check-up is not until next week, so I'll share some stats then.  But you should all know that she is 6 months today and I'm pretty sure tomorrow she will be graduating high school and trying to leave me.  Our pastor also mentioned that little tid bit...about them leaving...even if they want to go off with some missionary. By God's grace I'm ok with it, at least for today.  

This morning, Zach and I were both up early.  We sat on the porch in the rain with the pup and our coffee.  Eventually the little one joined us with her bottle, and we had our own blissful 1/2 birthday celebration.  And we praised God for his goodness in our lives.