07 August 2012

the storm

Well, Sweet P is mobile.  She is more than mobile.  She is quick as lightning, and cunning as the wind.

Despite scooting around around and showing more interest in taking off on two bare feet, Piper officially took her first crawl in the last few weeks.  And as quickly as our world turned upside down the moment she entered it, life has changed again.

This summer, we've felt busy.  But not the busy that you write home about.  We're trying to lead lives that are radically changed by the graciousness of God, and discovering new normals with the insertion of a tiny family member into our craziness. 

It has been a specific goal of ours to include Piper in "Kingdom work", as a member of our family, rather than to remove ourselves for her sake.  It often means getting out of the house with her, when staying in would be easier.  It means that sometimes, our bedtime rituals take place in the home of someone else, and she dozes in the car.  It means desperate attempts at teaching her flexibility, and learning about it ourselves.  So far..totally worth it.  Lord willing, should more children be added to the mix, we may be re-learning.

This morning we awoke early to the sound of heavy rain.  I sighed, thinking about what it would mean for me to be stuck in the house with an infant and a dog (who normally has the freedom to run around the backyard), and chose to grumble.

Zach turned it into a positive.  We were up early enough to share coffee on the front porch with the pup, before Piper stirred.  We talked about the many things we are anticipating this Fall, like Piper turning one and possibly meeting her first cousin.  We listened to the downpour and the occasional thunder, and we were quiet.  My grumbling was turned to rejoicing.

What a beautiful storm to remind us this morning, just who we serve.

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