30 August 2012

Piper in [blurry] Pictures

I'm not quite the slacker that you guys may think I am.  It's not that I don't take very many pictures of Piper.  It's that she is the world's worst model.  I must have hundreds of blurry, fuzzy, distant-sighting-of-Bigfoot pictures of her.  She won't smile, and sitting still is absolutely out of the question.  Observe.

Do you see my predicament!?  If she is smiling, then it's blurry.  Should I manage to actually get a picture that is in focus, then she is staring blankly ahead.  I'm working on remedying this situation.

Notice, I have also inadvertently shown you some of Sweet P's new happening and tricks.

1.  Practicing with small amounts of water from a sippy cup.
2.  Riding in the "big kid" racecar grocery cart.
3.  Cuddling with us [which strangely resembles climbing all over us] first thing in the morning.
4.  Pulling up on EVERYTHING in site.
5.  Growing some wild and crazy hairs.
6.  Walks in the park...on apparently bright days.
7.  Swinging.  Homegirl loves it!
8.  Thrashing said sippy cup wildly about, so that most of it's contents wind up all over her and the floor.
9.  The sort of mobility that requires imprisonment in the pack'n'play if anything is going to get done around here.


  1. She is SO cute! Blurry or not sister!

  2. You're too sweet! And all your beach posts/pictures are making me jealous!
