17 February 2012

as for my week long hiatus

I wish I could tell you of great adventures that we've had over the past seven days.  How we fought great battles, with dragons, and sailed the high seas, and encountered pirates,....or even went to the grocery store.

I wish.  You see, we were busy all last weekend doing absolutely nothing.  It was glorious.

And then Monday morning came, and I was flat on my back with a stomach virus.  Rather inglorious.

I left the house only to visit the doctor, so she could tell us what we already knew.  After no less than ninety minutes of waiting, she sat us down in a room and in a very grim voice said, "I'm sorry to tell you this.  But you have a common stomach virus.  And the only cure is fluids and saltines.  Which you have already been doing.  That will be twenty-five greenbacks."

Yesterday afternoon, as quickly as it had come, the virus wrapped her icky, pukey belongings in a handkerchief, which she then hung on a stick, and took off down the railroad tracks to find her next unknowing victim.  Bless his or her poor soul.

I'll tell you one thing.  I feel like Rumplestiltkin over here.  I fell asleep Sunday night.  I woke up this morning.  With a four day old beard and no recollection.  Kidding.

If it's Zach and Sweet P you're worried about, never fear.  Apparently they have iron-clad immune systems.  Honestly, that little one amazes me.  I can think of no less than three times where she has been around someone, and the very next day they fell ill.  She herself has yet to catch a thing, except many admirers with her sweet smile.

So can we get back to talking about me?  I missed Valentines Day, people.  And Whitney Houston's funeral.  Zach was planning to cook dinner.  He did, in fact, cook dinner.  But chicken noodles soup and saltines and cherry 7UP does not exactly go great with candlelight.  Woe is me.

I'm done complaining.  And we are all crossing our fingers that I'm back on my feet for good.  Zach doesn't seem to mind soup for dinner every night, but I, quite frankly, am sick of it.

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