17 October 2014

on moving and moving on

We like to consider ourselves frugal.  Dave Ramsey would be proud, as we managed to leave school with no debt and generally choose to buy things when we need them with what we have. 

So it would seem that we had lost our heads when we bought our house.  We became intoxicated by a dated, abandoned fixer-upper that promised more entertaining space.  A home that our children would grow in.

The dreams we had for our home should have foreshadowed something greater, but still we pressed on.  We spent a whole year in our house wishing for what it could be.  We saw potential and painted until we were drunk on the fumes, and even gutted a whole kitchen.

No sooner had we come home to our dream kitchen than the Lord began to tug at our hearts.  I remember a conversation with Zach right after we finished that massive project.  He teased and asked if I was ready to move anytime soon.  I shot back with, "Not unless we can take this kitchen with us."  Dramatic irony, if ever there was. 

We are so thankful for the time we have spent here on Fredericksburg Drive.  I love the mature trees that are starting to turn brilliant shades of gold as you make your way down our winding street.  I love that we brought our boy home from the hospital to a nursery that wasn't quite finished.  I love that I got to watch our Piper girl turn from a baby into a little girl full of curiosity in this playroom.  And I really love the kitchen that Zach and I poured every ounce of designer we have into.  And with that:

We are putting our house on the market.  

It seems weird saying it out loud.  Like when you repeat a word over and over again, until you begin to question whether it is really even a word at all.  The details are yet to fall into place, and we often ask one another whether what we are doing is foolish.  We are not sure when or how or who would want this place.

But God... We know that He is rich in His goodness.  We know that He has things in store for our family that are so much greater that our plans.  We know that Greer, just fifteen minutes up the road,  feels so close and so far away.

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