18 February 2015

grace, as evidenced by a toddler

It's one of those days.  We've got cabin fever and sickness and sin-sickness all hidden deep down beneath the facade of a perfect, show-ready house.  I'm patting myself on the back for completely my weekly cleaning tasks and keeping the crumbs swept up, but on the inside I'm writhing at the thought of how I've "shown the gospel" to my children.

It was in the middle of a lunch-time rant that the Lord broke in, via my three year old.  I found myself hollering.  "Why won'
t you eat!?  We can't do this anymore!  Not 3 times a day!"

It was almost immediate.  I'd lost my cool and was disgusted with myself.  Their quivering chins and fighting back tears confirmed that I'd blown it.  I immediately asked for forgiveness, but still felt miserable. 

It seems, these days, like I'm asking for grace as much as I'm employing grace to fight my sin.  Why, Lord, don't we get it yet?

Piper speaks up.

P:  What can I do to help you mom?
Me:  You can EAT.
P:  Maybe we should pray for you.

The tears were instantly flowing.  And the prayer, although weak and desperate, was some of the sweetest I've known as I held each child's hand there at the kitchen table.

Isn't the Lord good?  He gives us extra measures of grace for each day, and sometimes they come in the form of a three year old who is, at times, wise beyond her years.  Thank you Jesus.

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