17 December 2014

Gilliam Family 25 Days of Christmas: Fixing Our Eyes

Things have been a bit quieter on the 'ole blog this week, but it's not for lack of Christmas spirit.   It's busyness--but good busyness.

This past weekend, Zach and I got to sneak away to Charleston for a night to celebrate the gift that God has given us in marriage--5 years of marriage to be exact.  Is it cliche' to say that I love him more than I did 5 years ago?  And so much more than I did 11 years ago when he asked me to be his girlfriend on a frisbee field?

We laughed at ourselves upon deciding that while it is weird to say, "We got married 5 whole years ago.", it is far more strange for us to say, "We got married 2 whole kids ago!"

December 12, 2009
The trip to Charleston was a last minute surprise from Zach who knew that, while our planned "staycation" would have been wonderful as long as we were together, a night away would give us more time to connect.  It was wonderful-- as is evidenced by the view from our hotel room on the river.

In addition to an anniversary, we are also celebrating the holidays with church friends, family, and Zach's co-workers this week. We are fighting the "Christmas crud"; because what would a holiday season be without runny noses and coughing?  We are crafting--I wish I could share with you guys but I'm pretty sure that about 90% of my readership (ie grandparents) will be receiving said crafts as Christmas gifts, and I don't want to ruin any surprises.

Gabe is always the trooper, even when he spends half the night coughing.
But mostly, the Lord is making Himself known to us more and more.  Our girl loves to read about and talk about Advent.  She loves reciting the reasons that we light each candle.  And I love to say it out loud again and again:  We have HOPE this season because of God's great plan for redemption, that started with a baby that was called "Emmanuel".  Fixing our eyes on that truth has been so encouraging, and gives me no cause for concern that Christmas is 8 days away and I have purchased nary a gift.

1 comment:

  1. happy anniversary!! :) you can post the crafts after Christmas so it doesn't ruin the surprise!!
