24 September 2014

two years later

Well, it has not quite been two years since we all giggled at that little girl in her first costume:  the most adorable elephant.  And in those two years, everything has stayed the same and everything has changed.

I guess you could say that I have something of an excuse for keeping my thoughts to myself.  In these two years we have continued to watch our girl grow, and grow she has; we have moved, we've changed jobs, we are looking forward to moving and changing jobs again, and...drumroll...we welcomed baby No. 2. 

Life and busyness have taken their toll, stretched us to our ends, grown us in our love, and taught us more about the goodness and faithfulness of our God.

And while I am often satisfied to stay busy and chalk up this empty page to another mess that needs cleaning or another little one that needs cuddling, there is more to my silence.

The truth is, it is much easier to believe that someone else is more qualified to put words to these thoughts and struggles and triumphs.  To put it more simply, those other mamas are more glamorous; they have it together; they never yell at their littles; and they certainly don't go to bed without cleaning their kitchens.  What do I have to offer?

It is truly amazing the access that we have to information.  Imagine if our Christian predecessors could offer hope to one another via text messages or a blog post.  Would they, too, play the comparison game? 

So while I've been silent, I've still been reading.  Soaking up the wisdom and encouragement that others so willingly open themselves up to share.  And all the while, the evil one has been planting seeds of doubt.  Because that's what he does.

This isn't a pledge to post more and share cute pictures of my kiddos.  It is a plea for prayer and grace, something we all need, because I have yet to meet another human who has not, at one time or another, compared themselves against an impossible standard.  Praise be to the One who offered Himself up so that all He asks of us, He provides.

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